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Vessel Charter

Drawing upon established relationships within our network of partners and industry stakeholders, we provide extensive vessel chartering services throughout West Africa, adhering to stringent OGISP standards.

Our array of vessels available for chartering services encompasses:

  • Oil and Chemical Tankers.
  • Security Vessels.
  • Offshore Support Vessels.
  • Fast Support Vessels.
  • Utility Vessels.
  • Platform Support Vessels.
  • Construction and Accommodation Vessels.

This diverse fleet ensures we meet a wide range of maritime needs efficiently and in accordance with industry regulations.

Vessel Charter 

Vessel Charter 

Vessel Charter 

Vessel Charter 

Vessel Charter 

Get in Touch

If you'd like to explore our services further, kindly provide your details below. Our dedicated sales team will reach out to you promptly to assist you. Thank you for considering us!

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We are ZTL Liquid Transfer Limited

A One Stop Shop for your Liquids Transhipment and Marine Logistics/Procurement needs

Reach Out

Octagon Building,
13A A.J Marinho Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos State.
We have strong presence in Lagos, Port Harcourt and Warri axis

T: +234 801 234 5678
E:  operations@ztlltd.comm